Dryseal is a unique thermo-set Glass Reinforced Polyester material that cannot be melted.
Dryseal delivers a 30 year life expectancy and can be refurbished to increase its service life by renewing the top coat at the end of its service life.
Uniquely, there is no need to remove the system to refurbish.
No heat or naked flames are required to install Dryseal.
Unlike many conventional membrane systems, Dryseal GRP does not harden or embrittle over time.
Dryseal is easy to repair or modify at any point during its lifetime.
Dryseal is durable, light weight, stable and hard-wearing.
The system gives excellent resistance to mechanical damage.
Dryseal can be used where standing water is evident without detriment.
It will not affect water run-off and is suitable for rainwater harvesting and grey water systems.
Unlike PVC waterproofing membranes, Dryseal GRP is highly resistant to bitumen and most forms of chemical attack.
The system can be made to look like expensive metal finishes (lead, copper etc) but Dryseal has zero scrap value.
It can be recycled at the end of its life.
Environmentally friendly low carbon impact production give Dryseal first class ‘green’ credentials.
No fire restrictions of use apply to Dryseal under UK Building Regulations, even when fitted directly over a combustible substrate – Dryseal is rated Ext F.AC to BS476-3 for fire resistance.
Copyright © DS Builders & Property Maintenance Services Limited 2013 Built by I.B.Parkes